Friday, February 26, 2010

A change of Mission

You might have to enlarge this, but this is the official Mission Change for Jared. He has been transfered from the Belgium Brussels/Netherlands Mission to the France Paris Mission. He wrote and was feeling a little down about this change. He feels he is losing his original mission to where he was called. Aaron of all people would understand. Belgium is still apart of his mission. the French speaking Belgium Mission was added to the France Paris Mission. He will just have to suffer living in France for the next 13 months. I should be so lucky. Maybe they will force him to live in Paris. "Oh the humanity". I am jealous cause he is living my dream.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Jeannine made this from Tyler's mission ties

When Tyler returned from his Mission in Arkansas in 2002, he brought back with him 109 ties. Jeannine being the creative one decided to put them to use and make a quilt of his tie collection and parts of his mission suits. She designed and sewed this quilt with great love and detail. Each tie is on here 3 times in different places. It weighs a ton. The very middle red tie says, "Go Hogs" for the college team the Arkansas Razor Backs. All dark squares are from his suits and the white squares are from his shirts.

Visit to Tyler's Family

The Grand kids at Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah

Utah 2009

Jeannine and I recently went to Utah on Vacation and go to see some beautiful country. The weather wasn't very favorable for picture taking. Had a great time with the Tyler and Alexis and the grandkids though.