So, I had a request from Tyler to do something with my Blog so here goes. Since I no longer have any Rutman Kids at home to share pictures and stories about, it sounds a bit narcissistic to proceed with this venture. I realize information about Jeannine and me is probably not the highlight of anyone's day, but at least those who want to know what Rich and Jeannine are up to can come here. Last year I was injured at work and have only worked two months out of the last year. So, I am left with not much to do but drive Jeannine crazy. I am going to retire after 28 years with the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office and am a little apprehensive of what to do now. So they tell me this will give me something to do besides complain about, "there's nothing to do" If anything it can be some sort of entertainment of what I, (Rich) have decided to do next. I spend my free time taking pictures, so I will show pictures I have taken if any good ones come about. For those interested I have a Nikon D300 and I prefer Black and White. For those who are interested in my children, you can check their Blogs on the right. For those children who don't have blogs I will update on their progress.